Help us Keep the PAce!
This spring, we challenge YOU to Keep the PAce at our annual ride-a-thon to support Pattison's initiatives across the Lowcountry.
1. Ride with us on March 22nd, individually or as part of a team, with a $25 per person fee by clicking the register option here
2. Once registered, decide who your Team Captain is to have them click “Create a Team”
3. The Team Captain should then let their Team members know what the name is of that Team so they can join
4. Once your Team is complete, share your page and share Pattison's Academy's mission to unlock potential in individuals with disabilities and empower their families
5. Not interested in riding? Become a Sponsor through our tickets or give what you can, where you can
Your participation makes a meaningful difference! All proceeds directly support our four programs, offering incredible opportunities to the disabled community in Charleston and beyond. Join us in supporting our riding teams on March 22nd from 10 a.m. to noon at Union Station (652A King St, Charleston), with your friends, family, and neighbors. Cheer them on as they Keep The PAce!
Keeping the PAce (KTP) is an annual fundraiser benefiting Pattison’s Academy. It is a ride-a-thon taking place on stationary bikes. All proceeds from the event impact our children and allow us to carry out the therapeutic and education programs at Pattison’s Academy.
Keeping the PAce will take place at Pattison’s Academy on Saturday, March 22nd from 10 a.m. to noon. The address is 652A King St, Charleston, SC 29403. Participants should plan to arrive at 9:30 a.m. for registration.
The event is free, but everyone on a team must pay a $25 registration fee per team member and we strongly encourage fundraising to raise $600 per bike to reserve for your team.
No! You are absolutely welcome to fundraise on your own or make a tax-deductible donation to Pattison's Academy in support of our largest fundraising event!
1. Ride with us on March 22nd, individually or as part of a team, with a $25 per person fee by clicking the register option here
2. Once registered, decide who your Team Captain is to have them click “Create a Team”
3. The Team Captain should then let their Team members know what the name is of that Team so they can join
4. Once your Team is complete, share your page and share Pattison's Academy's mission to unlock potential in individuals with disabilities and empower their families
You can ride solo, or have as many riders on your team as you would like! If you have multiple riders who have paid the $25 registration fee, they can take turns riding the stationary bike while cheering each other on. The more the merrier!
Fundraising Tips & Tricks!
Remember you only need ONE fundraising page per team.
Have your team members all share the same page to reach the $600 fundraising goal to reserve your team's bike.
When sharing to social media, emphasize that KTP is Pattison's BIGGEST fundraiser of the year and the one time you will ask for support!
Ask your friends and families to share your page with their networks to appeal to an even larger audience.
Little goals make a huge impact! Make a specific ask, for example, "If everyone could give $10, that will help me reach my goal!"
Repetition is key! Keep asking, you never know who might see your post.
Change and update your photos regularly to keep content fresh.
Mention and tag those who have given in your posts to thank them for their support!
Pattison’s wants to partner with you! View our 2025 Sponsorship packet and learn how together—we can make a difference at Pattison’s.